Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Whatsapp to be updated with voice calling facility:Reports

image url: https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xaf1/t31.0-8/c0.107.851.315/p851x315/323985_462685727083559_766208862_o.jpg

Whatsapp which was acquired by facebook this year will soon add the voice calling feature to it, as the voice calling market is captured by Skype and Viber. Facebook the parent company of whatsapp will not add any kind of voice calling facility to it's messenger.

Whatsapp will get voice calling feature by the end of this year was announced by founder of whatsapp Jan Koum earlier this year at MWC Barcelona.

Jan Koum said

"We're adding voice to WhatsApp so people can stay in touch with friends and loved ones no matters where they are in the world"

"We use the least amount of bandwidth out there, and have optimized the hell out of it. We've made sure the quality is there, though, just like the messaging functons of WhatsApp"

Let's see how the voice calling feature works....

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